Parent – Teacher Association
Parent teacher association is active in our college. The parents or guardians of the students who have sought admission in the college are associated with the college through this unit. The parent teacher association meet is organized twice a year- once a semester each. Through this meet the parents or guardians are informed about the academic performance or weakness if any of their wards in presence of teachers.
The problems and grievances of students if any are redressed in the general meet. The sharing of ideas is aimed at betterment of students. Moreover it strengthens cordial relationship among the teachers, parents and the students. Their feedback and suggestions are positively considered in designing the general policy of teaching-learning process.
Sr. No. Name Designation
01 DrPrincipal Dr. Ajay patil President
02 Mr. Shankar Chavan Convenor
03 Mrs. Anita Gaikwad Member
04 Dr. Balu kamble Member