Accredited by NAAC 'B++' Grade

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Manjra Charitable Trust

[Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University]

Khadgaon Road, Latur - 413 531 (M.S)


Accredited by NAAC 'B++' Grade



The Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005) has been enacted by the Parliament and has come into force from 15 June, 2005. The main objective of the Right to Information Act is to promote the transparency and accountability of the working process of the Government. The act is a good step for the citizens who seek information about the activities of government. The Right to information Act 2005 instructs on time response to citizen while requesting for information on functioning of Govt. offices or institutions in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. This initiative is taken by the Department of Public Grievances, Ministry of Personai, Department of Personal and Training and Pensions in order to provide a RTI Portal Gateway to the citizens for quick search of information. It is mandatory to provide RTI related information to the seekers. According to UGC guidelines all Universities and Colleges established by law made by Parliament or by State Legislature or by notification by the appropriate Governinent or owned, controlled or substantially financed directly or indirectly by funds provided by the Government shall come within the purview of a Public Authority under this Act. Hence Lokayat Education Society’s Bhai Kishaarste Deshmukh Mahavidhyalaya, Chakur, category, Section 4(1) (b) of RTI Act 2005 is applicable for College.

As per the provision of Right to Information Act 2005, any information following in the domain of the college can be obtain from it, if otherwise not restricted as per the provision of the act. Application under the RTI Act should be addressed to the public information officer. In case the applicant is not satisfied with the answer or doesn’t get reply within time, he/she can file an appeal with the Appellate Authority. The applicant would be required to pay for stationary/photocopy chares separately, if applicable, as per the Act. All the cells or committees of the college are under statutory bodies and u/s 4 (1) of RTI Act. 2005.


  • The application may be typed or neatly hand-written, wherein mention atop “application unders RTI act 2005”.
  • The application may preferably be in writing though an e-mail is accepted as a mode as per law.
  • There is no such prescribed proforia for application.
  • The application may be in Marathi, Hindi or English.
  • Application should be address to the “public information officer” (Don’t mention the name)
  • Application should be in a simple and easy lariguage.
  • Attach Governmem RTI Fee in the form of IPO/DD/MO etc., wherever it is applicable with the RTI Application.
  • Application should be signed by the applicant and should take a photocopy for fiture references.
  • The application should contain a declaration of Indian citizensliip.